• HISD provides nutritious meals to all students, including those who require special diets for medical reasons, such as disability, food allergies, etc.   State law requires that the district maintain an updated diet order on file BEFORE providing these special dietary accommodations.  This form must be updated annually at the beginning of each school year.


    Should your child require a special diet, please have your health care provider complete the Physician Request for Dietary Accommodations.  A PHYSICIAN MUST SIGN THE FORM, in addition to the parents. This form should be returned to the school nurse as soon as possible so that the request can be submitted to HISD Nutritional Services.

    A copy of the form is found below.

    HISD Physician Request for Dietary Accommodations


    See below for the link to the HISD Nutritional Services page for more information.

    HISD Nutritional Services - Dietary Accommodations


    Contact the Lovett School Nurse for any questions or concerns.