Title I Documents
Parent Notification Explanation (English)
Parent-Notif_Explantion-CURRICULUM-2022-23-EN-ext.pdf 178.69 KB (Last Modified on December 13, 2022) -
Parent Notification Explanation (Spanish)
Parent-Notif_Explantion-CURRICULUM-2022-23_SP-ext.pdf 161.61 KB (Last Modified on December 13, 2022) -
Parent Notification Explanation (Vietnamese)
Parent-Notif_Explantion-CURRICULUM-2022-23_Viet-ext.pdf 239.65 KB (Last Modified on December 13, 2022) -
Política de Participación de Padres/Familias del Título I del Campus 2022-23
Politica de Participacion de Padres_en Espanol_2022-23.pdf 108.27 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022) -
2022-2023 District Parent and Family Engagement Policy - English
2022-2023 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy - English.pdf 168.94 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022) -
2022-2023 District Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Spanish
2022-2023 District Title I-A Parent and Family Engagement Policy - Spanish.pdf 185.2 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022) -
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - English-Clark
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - English-Clark.pdf 157.33 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022) -
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - Spanish_Clark
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - Spanish_Clark.pdf 186.05 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022) -
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - English_Bonilla
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - English_Bonilla.pdf 157.33 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022) -
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - Spanish_Bonilla
Notification to Parents - Teacher Certification - Spanish_Bonilla.pdf 184.77 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022) -
2022-2023 Parent Notifification -Title I Status - English
Parent-Notif_2022-23-Title-I-Status-Notification-EN--1-.pdf 94.95 KB (Last Modified on October 3, 2022)
Last Modified on May 10, 2023