Booster Club
Posted by John Cooke on 8/5/2013 3:50:00 PMDear Parents /Guardians of Participating Cadets,
This school year Worthing High School’s 10th Colt JROTC Battalion is looking forward to bigger and greater things. Although we have many dedicated, hard-working cadets, it is absolutely crucial that we receive support and participation from the parents as well. By participating in our Booster Club, you will ensure that our program succeeds in its endeavors. We ask not for money, but instead for your time and dedication to re-establish Worthing High School’s glory and morale. However if you are unable to physically participate, it would be greatly appreciated if you could spare a small donation. The money we receive will aid in purchasing necessary equipment, providing our hard-working cadets with food, and will allow our JROTC program to thrive through the upcoming years. One step at a time, we will reach our goal, which is to become the top JROTC program, but we cannot do so without your help and support.
Contact: 1st SGT Lovelace mlovelac@houstonisd.org
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