Tanglewood Middle School Parent Involvement Policy
Tanglewood Middle School has developed a parent involvement policy to detail how our families can be actively involved in their child’s education. This policy was developed with the cooperation of our Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC), community members, Title I parents, faculty and administrative staff, and previous Principal Gretchen Kasper-Hoffman and our Title I Coordinator.
If students are to be successful, their parents and families must be actively involved in their education. Tanglewood Middle School developed this policy to describe how we involve parents and families in order to help them help their children.
Involvement Policy
Throughout the school year, Parent Universities are planned in the evenings with information about reading, writing and social studies proficiency skills, math and science competencies, and high school and college readiness programs. Spanish translators are available.
In addition to informative workshops, parents are invited to attend PTO meetings and school programs throughout the year, and to be a part of the Title I decision-making process and program implementation. To begin each year, a review of the Title I program, standards and budget is presented to help parents and faculty understand the purpose, requirements and benefits of a schoolwide Title I program.
Another role of the school is to provide information about education laws. Parents have been provided information about the National Education Goals, the No Child Left Behind Act, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title I requirements, Parent Notification, FERBA Notification of Rights, PPRA Notice and Texas performance standards such as TEKS and STAAR.
Tanglewood Middle School coordinates parental involvement school activities among the different local, state, and national service programs available on our campus. Title I, Title II and Title IIII, as well as ASAP share parental involvement activities including after school programming.
Training is also provided to teachers, faculty and staff. They are taught the importance of home and school connections and communications. Examples of involving parents as partners include team meetings, parent conferences and family counseling services.
Participation and involvement of all parents and guardians is important. Information related to student achievement, school performance, programs and meetings are sent home in the home language whenever possible. Some of the standard information sent home in Spanish includes the School-Parent Compact, announcements, newsletters and weekly communications on Fridays. Other adaptations such as interpreters, translators and handicapped access are provided as needed. The Houston ISD website is also available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Arabic.