Texas Academic Performance Reports
Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) pull together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics. The TAPRs were previously known as the
Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) reports. To access archived AEIS reports, please
click here.
To access the
Texas Academic Performance Report (formerly AEIS) webpage, please
click here. To access the most recent years of TAPRs, click on the links below:
TEA School Report Cards
The TEA's school report card (SRC) combines accountability ratings, data from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), and financial information to give a broad view of campus performance. Available for each campus in Texas, the SRC is intended specifically to inform parents and guardians about a school's individual characteristics and its academic performance.
To access the TEA school report card webpage, please
click here. To download a PDF of the 2017 report card definitions in English, please
click here. Para la versión en español, por favor haga
clic aquí.
To access the most recent Tanglewood (formerly Grady) Middle School report cards, click on the links below: