The Tanglewood library and media center offers students access to both traditional and electronic media in a variety of mother tongues. Our library inspires students to read, learn and share their knowledge in an engaging and communal way that enriches our entire school community.
Library Hours:
8:30 AM to 3:30 PM (M-F)HISD Online Resources are available to all students, teachers, parents, and administrators in Houston ISD. Campus access is available through any district computer (access to these resources outside of Houston ISD campuses requires a username and password). Contact your campus librarian or Sofia Darcy by clicking here for information and handouts regarding logins, passwords and training for available digital resources.The Texas Lone Star list is a recommended reading list developed by public and school librarians from the Young Adult Round Table. The purpose of the list is to encourage students in grades 6 though 8 to explore a variety of current books, and is intended for recreational reading, not to support a specific curriculum.2018 Lone Star Reading List
2017 Lone Star Reading List
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