Enrichment Classes
Art classes focus on the essential elements of art; line, shape, color, texture, and are introduced at every grade level. Design elements that are studied include symmetry, pattern, contrast, and harmony. Many of these concepts cross over into other areas of the curriculum (math and science, for example) and these relationships are stressed.
All grades learn about and experiment with a variety of media, creating several examples of painting, drawing, collage, printing, and sculpture. Students are expected to learn a basic art vocabulary and often have class discussions about works by known artists. Students are also expected to know the difference between still-life, landscape, portraits, and abstract artworks by the time they’re in fifth grade.
Using and developing fine motor skills is an important goal – kindergartners are learning to use scissors and write their alphabet while fifth graders may want to draw more from observation, using knowledge of overlapping shapes and perspective.
Our philosophy is that all art projects should be open-ended, allowing each child to interpret the project in their own way. Critical thinking skills are challenged as students experiment with art materials, ideas, and processes. Children show a natural curiosity and strong intuition about works of art and these ideas and insights are expressed freely in the Art Room.
Creative Movement
Classes are one period each week to teach movement, expression, choreography, rhythm, and use of body in space. “Children need to be aware of themselves as growing and changing beings. Dance and movement play an important part in building this self-awareness and self-direction. It has been proven that free large body movements set the brain in motion and increase children’s ability to concentrate on ‘mental’ subjects. Small hand movement (clapping coordination) improves dexterity. Remember, minds and spirits will improve, when bodies are allowed to move, move, MOVE!”
Welcome to Travis music where a lot happens in 33 hours! Compact a school year of music class time and that’s what you get: approximately 33 hours, less than one school week. That’s three to four hours playing keyboards plus three to four hours playing mallet instruments and percussion. Mix in playing recorders, songs, games, stories, movement and listening to the music of famous composers, both choral and instrumental. Somewhere in all this you will find program rehearsals happening.
Add a generous dose of musicianship training using Kodaly methodology that teaches students to hear music “in their heads”; children learn to talk before they learn to read! Permeating everything is time spent learning to achieve a good choral sound, singing on pitch, finding a good head tone and then there’s a lot of one-on-one time with students during class.
That’s it. 33 hours that make Travis kids a stand out in music!
Physical Education
The mission of the Travis Elementary Physical Education program is to create a fun, active and safe learning environment in which students develop a positive attitude towards physical fitness that will empower them to build life-long healthy habits.
Students meet for 55 minutes once a week and take part in movement games and exercise activities that promote teamwork, cooperation, good sportsmanship and respect for self and others. Physical Education classes are held in the Multipurpose room, in the Spark Park, or in the garden field. Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades take part in the state mandated Fitnessgram assessment that measures the strength, flexibility and endurance of each child.
Of the many subjects children study in school, there may be none more important than physical education. Research shows that for the brain to achieve peak performance, the body needs to move. Physical activity not only helps prevent major diseases, but it also improves mood and attention, lowers stress and anxiety, and improves overall student wellness. Exercise even sparks new brain-cell growth! (Check out SPARK by John Ratey, MD) Help your child become the best version of themselves by supporting them in daily physical activity.
Science Laboratory
Science Laboratory experiences are essential in science education as they help students master scientific concepts, develop critical thinking and practical skills, and deepen their understanding of the scientific process. They also promote teamwork and foster a greater interest in science. Through hands-on experiments, students gain valuable insights in the nature of scientific inquiry.