
    Dr. Linda Ellis

    Science Department


    Room 2017

     Conference: 6th Period; 1:30-2:20pm



    Teacher Bio
    I am a graduate of University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science Degree in General Science Teacher Education (secondary composite), Masters in Educational Psychology: Counseling, and Doctorate in Philosophy in Educational Psychology: Individual Differences. I have taught for over twelve years in high school sciences as well as middle school science. I also have experience in counseling in middle school and elementary school. This is my second year teaching in Houston Independent School District.

    Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter or stuff. It includes atomic and molecular systems. Lab work is 40% of chemistry instructional time. Each student must have a signed (by parents and student) Lab Safety Contract turned into the chemistry teacher to participate in the labs. Each student must successfully complete a safety assessment.


    Chemistry Topics

    Concepts of Matter

    The Periodic Table

    Atomic and Nuclear Chemistry

    Types of bonds

    Chemical Reactions


    Acids and Bases and Reactions

    Behavior of Gases


    STEM Project




    Grade Weights

    ·       Tests: 30%

    ·       Quiz: 10%

    ·       Labs: 40%

    ·       Homework 5%

    ·       Daily Assignments: 15%


    Daily Procedures

    ·       As soon as you walk in-pick up assignment, interactive notebook, and other materials.

    ·       Place home work in the tray near the entrance of the class.

    ·       If you are tardy please sign the Tardy Log on the table near the entrance of the class.

    ·       Turn in work on time. Work turned in one day late will receive

    ·       Make up assignments and tests will be given to students that have an excused absence. 

    ·       Write down the Do Now question for the day and answer it in complete sentences.

    ·       Be in your seat when the bell rings.

    ·       Check IWBAT and agenda on the board.

    ·       Clean up around your work area before leaving class.

    ·       You are dismissed from class with your Exit Ticket.


    Class Expectations

    ·       Respect yourself, others, and school property.

    ·       Resolve to produce excellence every day.

    ·       Refuse to simply “not know”.

    ·       Be Responsible for yourself and others.

    ·       Be considerate to others.  Use positive language.


    Class Rules

    ·       Be in your seat when the bell rings.

    ·       Raise your hand before asking or answering a question.

    ·       Track Dr. Ellis (or her designated speaker) during instructional time.

    ·       100% participation and passing is expected of every student.  (Cold calls will be used)

    ·       Support is available through tutoring to keep you up with your class work.