    Irina Korotaeva
    Math Models and Geometry
    7th Period
    Web Friendly Mapping Address www.houstonisd.org/IKOROTAE
    Teacher Bio
    My name is Irina Korotaeva. I am from Russia. I came to the United States in 2008 and have been here ever since. I have a BS in math from the University of Houston and plan on getting a Ph.D. in math later on. I like going to different concerts and enjoy being outdoors. 
    Course Description
    Math Models

    Mathematical Models with Applications is a course designed to help students continue to build on their Algebra I foundations as they expand their understanding through other mathematical experiences. Students use mathematical methods to model and solve real-life applied problems involving money, data, chance, patterns, music, design, and science. Students use mathematical models from algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics and connections among these to solve problems from a wide variety of advanced applications in both mathematical and non-mathematical situations. 


    Geometry is specifically aligned with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Geometry Standards and Benchmarks. Geometry provides a curriculum focused on the mastery of critical skills and the understanding of key geometric concepts.

    Students will study and learn the critical elements of geometry which include ideas of congruence, similarity, proof, constructions and trigonometry.  Additional ideas include extending to three-dimensions, connecting algebra to geometry through coordinates, circles with and without coordinates and applications of probability.

    Materials Required:
    •  three ring spiral binder
    Grade Weights

    -          Homework – 10%

    -          Quiz – 15%

    -          Daily Work – 35%

    -          Test – 40% 

    Daily Procedures

    Entering Class…

    1.       Pick up handouts for the day

    2.       Turn in the homework into the Homework Basket

    3.       Get your assigned calculator

    4.       Get your binder/notebook

    5.       Go to your assigned seat

    6.       Start DO NOW that is posted on the board


               Leaving the Class..

    1.       Put your calculators back into their appropriate spot

    2.       Put your binder/notebook back

    3.       Return any supplies that you borrowed (pencils, erasers, rulers, etc.)

    4.       Turn in your class work if needed

    5.       Clean up your area

    6.       On the way out, turn in your EXIT TICKET



    Bathroom/Water Break

    1.       See 30 – 10 Rule

    2.       Hand Signal for Restroom/Water

    3.       Quietly get up and grab a bathroom pass

    4.       Completely fill out your pass

    5.       I will need to sign your pass

    6.       You can go once I sign and time your pass


    If You are Tardy…

    1.       Quietly enter the class

    2.       Write your name on the tardy sheet

    3.       Quietly go to your assigned seat

    4.       Start your work

    5.       I expect 100% effort and participation

    Class Rules

    1.      -  Listen when others are talking

    2.     -   Follow directions

    3.       - Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

    4.       - Work quietly and do not disturb others

    5.       - Show respect for school and personal property

    6.       - Be in class on time