    Ms. Kloude
    English II
    English II Pre-AP
    AP Language & Composition 
    Room 2019
    -A Day: 2nd Pd
    -B Day: 5th Pd
    Web Friendly Mapping Address www.houstonisd.org/KFARAJ 

    Teacher Bio


    This is Ms. Kloude's 7th year in the classroom. For three years, she worked at an elementary/middle private school as a co-teacher. For one year, she worked at Beecher High School (in Beecher MI) teaching English to sophomores and seniors. She then taught 6th grade English at Henry Ford Academy: School for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan. She has also taught ENG 109 and 110 for one semester at the University of Michigan and tutored for a year at the Marian E. Wright Writing Center. Ms. Kloude lives in Houston with her boyfriend Kenn and their pet cat Habibi. Last year was Ms. Kloude's first year in Houston and first year at NFHS. She is very excited to be working at North Forest High School again this year!


    Course Description


    This course focuses on a study of literary genres. You will develop initial understanding of both the structure and the meaning of a literary work. You will explore the effect of the literary form in regards to interpretation. You will read across the curriculum to develop academic and personal interests in different subjects. You will also demonstrate competency in a variety of writing genres: narrative, expository, persuasive, and technical. You will engage in research, timed writings, and the writing process. Instruction in language conventions will occur within the context of reading, writing, and speaking, rather than in isolation. You will demonstrate an understanding of listening, speaking, and viewing skills for a variety of purposes.


    Materials Required

    ·        Pencils/Pens/ Highlighters

    ·        3 Ring Binder/ 5 Tabbed Dividers

    ·        Index Cards 

    ·        Post it Notes 



    Grade Weights

     10% Homework 

    15% Inquests

    20% Assignments

    25% Projects

    30% Compositions



    90-100 A

    80-89 B

    75-79 C

    70-74 D

    Below 69 F



    Daily Procedures

    • Do Now/Warm Up (10 minutes)
    • Lesson/Activity/Check for understanding (70 minutes)
    • Closing/Exit Ticket (8 minutes)

    Class Rules

    1.     Be Prompt

    2.     Be Prepared

    3.     Be Productive

    4.     Be Polite

    5.     Be Positive

    Class Expectations

    • We are respectful and accepting of every single person in our classroom
    • Each and every voice in the classroom is important and will be heard
    • We are warm, supportive, and present