• Extended Day and After School Activities at Kolter

    Kolter is pleased to offer an Extended Day Program for PreK-5th grade students. Extended Day is held every day that school is in session, except for Early Dismissal days, from 3:00 - 5:30 p.m, Students in Extended Day have an opportunity to complete homework assignments, receive academic assistance and participate in supervised indoor/outdoor activities. Tuition is $200 a month, which is due the first of every month.
    Registration for Extended Day is held each May. Current students in the Extended Day program are offered registration first. Any additional spaces are offered to all other students via a lottery. Please watch our website for information on the actual dates of registration. If you have questions regarding Extended Day, please contact Ms. Bravo at gbravo@houstonisd.org

    Clubs and Organizations

    In addition to our Extended Day program, we also offer a variety of after-school activities for all students, regardless of whether they are in our Extended Day program. Registration for each activity is held at the beginning of the semester and spaces are allocated via a lottery. Additional fees for certain clubs may apply. We are pleased to offer the following after-school activities below. Please click the name of the club to view the registration information. 
    Clubs with Information Forthcoming:
    • Koltervators 
    • Kolter Art Club
    • UIL: Please see email from Ms. Dickinson regarding parent informational session and link 
    • Heart and Sole 
    • Name that Book