The Nurse's Corner
Kolter Clinic Website
Cathy Crisp, School Nurse
Kolter Elementary9710 Runnymeade Houston,TX 77096Fax: (713) 726-3630Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! Bienvenue! 你好 Nǐ hǎo
The information contained here is general information pertaining to the daily operation of the nurse’s office. Should you need additional, more specific information, please visit HISD Health and Medical Services.
Nurse Information
Our nurse is Catherine Crisp. She is a highly qualified and experienced medical professional and we are happy to have her at here to ensure the proper care and safety of the entire Kolter family.Office Hours &Location
The nurse’s office is open from 7:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. during regularly scheduled school days. The office is located inside the main office and is also accessible from the main hallway.Illness at Home
Students are advised to stay home if suffering from active illness in order to protect other students and staff from possible virus/disease transmission. Students should remain at home until their illness has resolved. If a student is absent for three consecutive days, it is mandatory that he/she presents a physician’s note indicating that the child has been seen and is safe to return to school. This will allow the absences to be marked as excused and reassure the school community that every effort to minimize the transmission of treatable contagious diseases is being made. Parents must document all absences by writing a note and sending it with their child. Parents are requested to report all confirmed or suspected contagious diseases to the school nurse.Illness/Injury at School
When a student becomes ill or injured during class, a pass to the Nurse’s Office must be obtained from the current teacher if the student is not escorted. The nurse will call the parent and discuss the best response to the situation.Students should report any injuries sustained during a school-related event as soon as possible to the Nurse’s Office. It should be noted that the student’s family health insurance plan is the primary coverage for school-related illness and injury.Vision and Hearing Tests
Vision and hearing tests are typically conducted throughout the school year, according to district policy. Additional testing may be requested at any time by the student’s parent or teacher. Parents will be notified if test results indicate that additional follow-up care is necessary by a primary care physician.Doctor Appointments
It is recommended that doctor appointments be scheduled outside of school hours. If a student must see a doctor during school hours, parents should notify the Attendance Office in advance with exact appointment times, anticipated period of absence, and time of return to school. Parents are required to sign their child out of school and sign their child back in upon return.Pre-Exisiting Medical Conditions
Students having medical conditions that require monitoring (e.g. diabetes mellitus,epilepsy, seizure disorder, etc.) must have that information clearly defined on their Health Inventory Sheet, along with instructions and contact numbers in case of an emergency. Information regarding health concerns can also be shared confidentially with Ms. Crisp.Medications
All medications, including over-the-counter (OTC) medication, prescribed drugs,and/or inhalers must be kept in the Nurse’s Office at all times. In addition, only a parent can deliver medication to and from school. Students are not allowed to carry or store medications of any kind.Students requiring any daily or long-term medication that needs to be taken during school hours must have the appropriate medication authorization, which requests and grants permission for medication to be administered by the nurse. Medications must be sent to the school in the original container with dosage instructions and will be stored in a locked cabinet in the health office. All medications must be kept with the nurse, though special exceptions are made on an individual basis. For instance, students diagnosed with asthma and requiring inhaler treatment may be allowed to carry their inhaler. Special permission for this is granted when the parent and physician complete the appropriate supplemental form, which will be maintained on file in the Nurse’s Office. Permission forms for this purpose may be requested from the Nurse’s Office.
Lice Information
Lice Information
Head lice are one of the nuisances that parents of school age children occasionally find themselves dealing with. Lice do not transmit disease and any one can get them. See Nurse Crisp's letter below. You can also find out more from the American Academy of Pediatrics Head Lice Treatments.
Food Allergies Form
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
This document is for parents of students with allergies to complete and have on file with the school nurse.
Immunization Information
Immunization Requirements 2016-2017 (English and Spanish)
English and Spanish
Important Health Forms
Healthcare Provider’s Request for Administration of Medication at School Building During School Hou
Nurses and other school personnel can give medication during school hours under the following restrictions. Pupils who are noncontagious, on long-term medication, on preventative medication, or for a prolonged period on medication that cannot under any arrangement be administered other than during school hours may take medication in school. The healthcare provider’s statement must be accompanied by written permission of at least one parent.PoliciesGoverningAdministeringedicationDuringSchoolHours-are.pdf 38.37 KB (Last Modified on May 24, 2013) -
Plan de acción para el asma
This is the Asthma Action Plan in Spanish. -
Asthma Action Plan in English
Having a plan of action in place at times of emergency can sometimes make the difference between life and death. That’s why HISD’s Health and Medical Services Department wants all district students who suffer from asthma to make sure they have an Asthma Action Plan ready before tragedy strikes.- What to do when a child begins suffering symptoms of an asthma attack
- How to determine the severity of the attack
- Where to find the child’s inhaler
- Which medications to administer at any given stage of the attack
- When to call 911 for emergency medical assistance