Program Description

    The Houston Independent School District (HISD) Board of Education established and approved the campus-level planning and decision-making process in 1992. This process includes the creation and maintenance of a Shared Decision-Making Committee (SDMC) at each school to review the district’s educational goals, objectives, and major district-wide classroom instructional programs. Each committee is designed to involve professional and non-professional staff, parents, community members, and business representatives in establishing academic and other performance objectives of the school for each academic excellence indicator adopted in the Texas Education Code (TEC §11.253, TEC §39.051). The SDMC was authorized to fulfill the following responsibilities:

    1. Implement all pertinent campus-level planning processes;
    2. Develop recommendations for the school budget;
    3. Submit recommendations for the school curriculum;
    4. Recommend changes in the school’s staffing patterns;
    5. Develop and approve the campus staff development plans;
    6. Develop, review, and revise the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations (after principal approval of the SIP, the SDMC presents the plan to staff for approval);
    7. Review and make recommendations regarding the school’s organizational structure, and
    8. Establish procedures to periodically obtain broad-based community, parent, and staff input.

    The SDMC is required to meet at least once a year to discuss the performance of the school and the school’s objectives. A record of all decisions and significant discussion items must be maintained by the committee. This information should be disseminated to appropriate school and district personnel as well as be available upon request for public review.

    SDMC Members
    Name Position   Role
    Jose Santos Principal Administrator
    Christopher Saikin Dean of Students Administrator
    Olubumi Adegoke Parent Parent
    Athena Walker College P-16 Director - SouthWest, P-16 Dual Community Representative
    Melodie Jordan-Hartsfield Teacher History Classroom Teacher
    Eric W Porter Theater Teacher Classroom Teacher
    Cynthia Penna Student Information Rep Paraprofessional
    Rachele D Jones, Registrar Non-classroom Professional
    Frederick G Taylor Chair, Special Education District-level Professional
    Ala Abudayyeh Parent Parent
    Leslie Sullivan HCC Building Facilities Community Representative
    Jennifer Connatser Connatser & Niksch Consulting LLC Business Representative


    Quaterly Meetings are as follow: 

    Quarter 1
    (August, September, October) - The first meeting should include the School Improvement Plan.

    Quarter 2
    (November, December, January)

    • January 24, 2023 from 3:40 - 4:40
    • Agenda, Signatures & Minutes
    • Next Meeting: 

    Quarter 3
    (February, March, April)

    • April   from 3:40 - 4:40
    • Agenda, Minutes, Signature

    Quarter 4
    (May, June, July) - The Quarter 4 meeting will need to be held in June, since that is the end of the school year to review school waivers and reflect on the school year.

    • June from 2:45 - 3:45 in room
    • Agenda & Minutes

SDMC Member Information