Verizon Innovative Learning
Ortiz MS is now a Verizon Innovative Learning campus! Digital Promise collaborates with Verizon to equip every student and teacher on our campus with a device and up to a four-year data plan. In addition to technology and access, we receive extensive teacher training, support, and the opportunity to engage in a unique, immersive curriculum to leverage technology in our classrooms.
HISD School Electronic Pay SystemFamilies may pay the $25 Chromebook repair fee electronically via SchoolPay. SchoolPay is designed to make electronic payment for school services safe and easy. With the services, families may make payments by electronic check, Visa, or MasterCard and online storage of financial information is not necessary.Click on SchoolPay to log in or create an account (registration is free).
Technology Acceptable Use Policy
Parent Information (EN & SP)
Design by Nathaniel Rennalls