MCHS Felix Fraga Course Sequence
Personal Graduation Plan is created to meet the needs and interest of the student.
The course sequence for MCHS Felix Fraga students is:
Year 1
English 1 A/B (1 Year)- EOC test
Algebra 1 A/B (1 Year)-EOC test or Geometry A/B (1 Semester)
Biology A/B (1 Year)-EOC test
W. Geography A/B (1 Semester)Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance /Level 1 certificate – Marketing – Enterprise DevTSI Preparation English and Math
Year 2
English 2 A/B (1 Year)- EOC test
Algebra 2 A/B (1 Semester) or Geometry A/B (1 Semester)
Chemistry A/B (1 Semester)W. History A/B (1 Semester) and/orEntrepreneurship /Level 1 certificate – Marketing – Enterprise DevYear 3
English 3 A/B (1 Semester)Algebra 2 A/B (1 Semester) or 4th Year MathPhysics A/B (1 Semester)
US History A/B (1 Year)- EOC test
Entrepreneurship II or Project-Based Research /Level 1 certificate – Marketing – Enterprise DevYear 4English 4 A/B (1 Semester)Government and Economics (1 Semester)4th year Math4th Year ScienceEntrepreneurship II or Project-Based ResearchRequired Electives - Possibly online, based on availability
Art/Music(1 Year)
PE (1 Year)
Spanish 1 A/B (1 Semester) and Spanish 2 A/B (1 Semester)Health (1 Semester)
5.5 ElectivesCollege and Career & Military Options- TSI English and Math
- CTE Industry based certification
- Met Criteron score on an AP/IB exam in any subject (AP Spanish)
- At least 3 hours of dual credit math or english
- at least 9 hours in any dual credit subject
- Level 1 or Level 2 certificate
- Enlisted in the U.A. Armed Forces
After Graduation Goal
- 4 Year University
- 2 Year College
- Technical School
- Military
Personal Graduation Plan
- A guide to Graduation Requirements - Personal Graduation Plan Booklet
- Una guía para los requisitos de graduación: folleto del plan de graduación personal
MCHS Felix Fraga students have the option to graduate with the following High School Diplomas*:
Houston ISD Distinguished (26 credits)*Students must obtain the HoustonISD Distinguished HS Diploma.All MCHS Felix Fraga students will graduate on a Multidisciplinary Endorsement.Please see Mr. Horne, School Counselor if you have any questions.