• Pin Oak Club Tennis Program Highlights:

    ·        Players of all skill levels from grades 6 to 8 are welcome

    ·        Professional coaching staff from the JCC

    ·        Year-round sport: 10 weeks per semester

    ·        Schedule depends on student interest

    ·        Two sessions per day:  1st session 4:00-5:00 pm and 2nd session 5:00-6:00 pm

    ·        Tennis fees are $300 per student per semester

    ·        Afterschool care available for students in the 2nd session (included in fees)

    ·        Matchplay and tournament opportunities with other middle schools

    ·        Ladder challenge games

    If you are interested in joining the Pin Oak Tennis Club, please email Anna Stewart at pinoaktennis@gmail.com.

    Please note: Tennis is a non-UIL club sport. HISD does not provide coaching, financial support, or transportation. Pin Oak Middle School generously allows us to use the courts at Pin Oak and represent Pin Oak Middle School at tournaments and matches.