• The mission of the Career and Technical Education Department (CTE) is to empower students with the academic and technical skills needed to strengthen the economic and social foundation of the city of Houston and beyond.


    The NFHS  offers four career and technical pathways: Agriculture, Automotive,  Fire- Fighter, and  Information Technology (STEM) Through these programs, students earn certifications preparing them for work in these fields.


    CTE Course Sequence 

    Agriculutre, Food and Natural Resouces 

    Principles of Agriculute 

    Livestock Production 

    Veterinary Medical Applications

    Practicum in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resocuces 


    Transportation, Disbritution, and Logistics 

    Principles of Transportation Systems 

    Enegry, Power & Transportatin Systems 

    Automotive Basics 

    Career Preparation



    Principals of Informaton Technology 

    Networking 1

    Networking 2

    Career Preparation 


    Law, Pubic Safetly,  Corrections and Secuirty 

    Principals of Law 

    Disaster Response 


    Anatomy and Phyisology 


    In addtion, NFHS students have the oppotunity to attend Barbara Jordan to complete addtional CTE Career Pathways.