The NFHS  school band consists of various ensembles which include, marching band, wind ensemble, jazz band and chamber ensembles. During the summer and fall, students participate in the marching band. This marching band class covers Physical Education requirement for graduation. In the spring, students participate in the communit y events and parades through the Houston and surronding areas.   The band program also includes an opportunity for beginners. Students who desire to be in band but have no experience playing an instrument are high encouraged to join beginning band.



    Art is designed to provide a foundation for advanced courses and satisfies the FINE ART GRADUATION REQUIREMENT. Emphasis is placed on understanding the Elements of Art and Principles of Design as a basis for composition. Students will explore a variety of artists, art processes and materials such as drawing, painting, printmaking, two & three-dimensional design, and digital art. Student artwork will reflect aesthetics & cultural and historical contexts. Willingness to get involved in the creative process is a more important requirement than the student’s talent or previous experience. 



    This course is designed to meet the Fine Art credit for those students who do not participate in a major performing ensemble. Students will develop skills in critical listening and elements of music theory via electronic keyboards. A rich history of rock music is a primary focus, along with discussion and analysis of current pop music and industry trends. No prior experience in music is necessary for enrollment in this course.



    Spanish will provide the student with a general introduction to the Spanish language: sound system, pronunciation, functional vocabulary related to everyday life, cultural information and basic grammatical structures. Emphasis will be on the acquisition of four skills: listening, speaking, reading and limited writing. There are two main objectives to the course. Foremost is to give the students the ability to carry on a simple conversation. The second is to provide the students with instruction that teaches a basic understanding of Spanish culture, vocabulary, and grammatical concepts.