• Horn School-Wide Annual Events

    EARLY BIRD MARKET (EBM) – Thusrday, August 24, 2023 (9:15 – 11:00am) with PreK/Kinder Kickoff Meeting at 8:00am

    Event Details

    Meet the Teacher is designed for you to briefly meet your student’s homeroom teacher. There will be additional opportunities for you to connect with your child’s teacher throughout the school year. After you have met your student’s homeroom teacher, please visit our online Early Bird Market, opening 8/19 in order to purchase school supplies (if you hadn’t pre-ordered), pay for class fees, purchase Dress Down Bands, Birthday Bands, Carnival and Gala tickets and much more! You may also visit www.hornpto.org to learn more about getting involved!

    FUN RUN 

    Horn’s annual Fun Run, our student-driven fundraiser, is an exciting opportunity for our students to raise money for our school by getting pledges and participating in a fun run. The more laps, the more money raised! It’s a fun event for both our children and families.  For more questions or to get involved, please contact funrun@hornpto.org.


    Our school carnival is one of the most anticipated school-wide events of the year! This is an opportunity for both our families and the greater community to come together for a day full of fun. With rides, games, and lots of activities, your kiddo is guaranteed to have a blast! Be on the lookout for carnival band purchase information at Early Bird Market! For more questions or to get involved, please contact carnival@hornpto.org.


    Horn’s annual springtime gala is THE event of the year for adults only! Get a sitter and get ready to mingle with friends, old and new, while participating in a silent auction, live auction, and party! Plus, here’s a chance to see your favorite teachers and staff outside school!  You won’t want to miss one of the most anticipated evenings of the year! Table and ticket purchases are available through Early Bird Market, so be on the look- out! For more questions or to get involved, please email gala@hornpto.org.


    Held in the fall and spring, Horn hosts a book fair with books and materials catered to preschool through fifth grade. All proceeds from books sold goes to our library. Please be watching for more information! The kids enjoy attending the fair and selecting books for themselves as well as their classroom teachers. See you there!