• A Day in the Life of a Kindergartener

    Sample Daily Schedule

    7:30-7:40        School Begins/Unpack/Morning Work/Journal

    7:40-9:40        Literacy Block

    9:40-10:30      Core Enrichment (Music, Drama, Library, P.E., Art, and Science Lab) 

    10:30-10:45    Read Aloud

    10:45-11:15    Lunch (Please contact teacher for precise time) 

    11:15-1:00      Math Block

    1:00-1:30        Recess

    1:30-2:00        Rest Time

    2:00-2:30        Science/Social Studies

    2:30-2:35        Pack Up

    2:40-2:50        Dismissal

    ** Kids will eat 1 or 2 snacks daily. Play is an important part of kindergarten. It allows the students to learn to interact with each other and how to be a problem solver.


    Pre-Kindergarten Schedule

    Things to Practice this Summer

    - Follow simple directions

    - Have an understanding about the difference between school and home expectations

    - Use the restroom independently (including zipping & buttoning pants)

    - Take turns

    - Be independent

    - Share materials and toys

    - Clean up after self and put things away

    - Open lunch containers

    - No glass containers

    - Be able to communicate needs