School Counselor

Phone: 713-845-5650


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Erica Hampton

One of the reasons I choose counseling is because I did not know my counselor while in middle school and high school. I think it's very important to have someone to be able to talk to and trust during those times, especially with mental health. I worked in a high school for 5 years and I never knew the impact I had on my students. After thinking about quitting, students told me how I helped them get through high school. I realize my calling is to help and inspire students to become better versions and believe in themselves.

Office hours: 8:00 – 4:15pm

Say Something Anonymous Reporting System

Wraparound Specialist

Phone: 713-845-5650


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Celia Ariza

Mrs. Ariza is Ortiz Middle School’s Wraparound Resource Specialist. What is a “Wraparound,” you ask?  Mrs. Ariza is a non-academic support who addresses critical issues such as mental and physical health. These needs include; food and clothing insecurities, lack of stable housing, violence, incarceration of a parent, and many other challenges that students face that can have adverse effects on their readiness and ability to learn. Visit our Wraparound Services page to learn more!

Complete a Student Assistance Form (SAF) here.

School Nurse

Phone: 713-845-5650


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Carolina Juarez-Salazar

The office of the school nurse, Ms. Juarez-Salazar, is located on the first floor in Room 1210. Teachers should exercise good judgment in granting permission to visit the nurse and should give close attention to the timed permit when the student returns to class. If a student is very ill, send another student to ensure they make it to the nurse’s office. To send a student to the nurse, they must have a written hall pass with the following information:

  • student name
  • name of the teacher who is referring them to the nurse and their signature
  • a note indicating the student is to report to the nurse’s office
  • time and date the pass was issued

Basic supplies, such as bandaids and feminine hygiene products, can be found in each grade level office to limit the number of students in the clinic at a time.

The telephone in the nurse's office is not available for personal calls. If the student is to be sent home due to illness, the student is to report to the nurse’s office to be checked and the school nurse will determine to call the parent. When the school nurse is not on campus, Ms. Arenas or a grade-level clerk will call the parent.


It is not the function of public school personnel to administer medical treatment or medication, including over-the-counter drugs. The Houston ISD policy allows school nurses to administer medication to students during school hours should medication be necessary. Medication is administered under the following conditions:

  • The school district has received or has on file written authorization from a physician/doctor to administer medication to the student. 
    • Note: Forms may be obtained from the nurse’s office.
  • Prescription medication must be in the original container clearly labeled with
    • Student’s name
    • Name of medication
    • Dosage
    • Purpose of the medication
    • Time of day medication is to be given
    • Anticipated number of days it needs to be administered at school
  • Non-prescription medicines (i.e. Advil, Tums, Tylenol, cold medicine, etc.) are not allowed and must not be brought to school.
  • The medication must be brought by the parent/guardian to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician. Students will not be allowed to carry medications. 

It is a violation of the Houston ISD Student Code of Conduct for a student to have possession or use of any prescription or nonprescription drug, vitamins, or other chemical in violation of these guidelines at school.

Teachers and other school personnel are expected to limit themselves to the usual and accepted practices of first aid in managing emergencies due to sickness or accidents. They should not diagnose illness or administer medication of any sort.

Special Education Services Department Chair

Phone: 713-845-5650


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Natasha Smith

The Mission of the Office of Special Education Services is to provide support and guidance to parents, teachers, campus leaders and other stakeholders that directly improves student outcomes while removing barriers and raising expectations for students with disabilities.
The Vision of the Office of Special Education Services is for students with disabilities to receive an exceptional education that will allow them to achieve their highest educational level and reach their greatest potential as caring, responsible and independent citizens.