• An AF104 Form should be used when monies are collected from students for fundraisers, uniforms, pre-sale tickets, athletic insurance, etc.

    • Students (or parents) must write the student’s name and dollar amount submitted, Not the Teacher. Black ink only! Sponsor should not complete the form with student’s name due to Auditing!
    • Purpose of collection should be listed on form.
    • NO white out. If error, mark a line through and rewrite on line below.
    • Deposits to the Business Office should be made when $50 or more has been collected. Do NOT hold $50 or more in your room overnight. Lock up all monies at all times.
    • Deposits will not be accepted on Friday’s after 3:30 pm. Please plan accordingly. However, please bring it for lock up.
    • Money should be counted and sorted prior to the deposit with the Business Office. There should not be any discrepancies when money is turned in.
    • Teacher/Sponsor will complete the bottom portion of the form while turning in money to the Business Office.
    • Do not provide your own receipts for students using office supply receipt books. This form serves as proof that the student or parent paid.