Contact Us

  • Harvard Elementary

    810 Harvard Street
    Houston, TX 77007-1607
    HISD Rt. 6


    Phone: 713-867-5210
    Fax: 713-867-5215


    Principal: Dr. Stefanie Spencer

    Assistant Principal: Molly Lashway

    Magnet Coordinator


    Grade Levels: PK/EE-5
    TEA #169

Map & Directions

I-10 Eastbound from the Galleria

Exit Yale/Heights Boulevard. Turn left on Heights Boulevard and continue to 8th Street and turn right and go one block to Harvard Street and turn left. School will be on your right.

I-10 Westbound from Downtown

Exit Heights Boulevard. Continue on service road to Heights Boulevard and turn right. Go to 9th Street and turn right and proceed one block to the school on your left.

North Loop 610 Eastbound from Highway 290

Exit Yale Street and turn right. Continue south to 9th Street and turn left. Proceed east to Harvard Street and turn right.  School will be on your left.

North Loop 610 Westbound from I-45

Exit Main Street and continue on service road to Yale Street. Take a left on Yale Street Continue south to 9th Street and turn left. Proceed east to Harvard Street and turn right. School will be on your left.