• Title I Part A 

    Federal Title Programs support schools in the Houston Independent School District by providing opportunities for all children to acquire the knowledge and skills specified in challenging state content and performance standards.

    In 2001, the federal government passed the NCLB Act which provided identified schools with federal funds for the purpose of supplementing the instructional program of schools to ensure a high quality education for students that would help them meet the state standard (currently STAAR – State of Texas Assessment for Academic Readiness).

     The Title I program will provide your student with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom.

     Under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title I funds enable Helms Elementary School  to employ and train highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals; purchase instructional materials and sponsor parental involvement activities.  , Title I funds supplement the following programs offered at Helms Elementary:

     These “supplemental” federal funds are used to:


    • Accelerate instruction for struggling students,
    • Provide professional-development for teachers and paraprofessionals,
    • Hire highly qualified personnel,
    • Give additional resources – technology, personnel, materials, instructional programs, software, and
    • Encourage parent and family involvement.





    If you have further questions or comments, please contact the Title I Contact  Olga Chavez at 713-867-5130 during school hours, or by email at ochavez@houstonisd.org.