Award Ceremonies
Attendance/Student Recognition/Incentive
1. The ceremonies will begin at 9 a.m. NO EARLY RELEASE – REGULAR SCHOOL DAY
May 28 Pre-K
May 29 K
May 30 1st
May 31 2nd
June 3 3rd & Allietta
June 4 4th
June 6 5th
2. For grades 1st – 5th we will have the following categories:
Honor roll:
“A” honor roll – for students will all A’s (conduct grades are not a factor).
“A/B” honor roll – academic achievement honor roll recognizes students maintaining A’s and B’s in all classes. Students must have at least one “A” in any class to be on the “A/B” honor roll. (conduct is not a factor)
Perfect Attendance
Given to those students who have never missed any days of nor been late to class. This teaches the students dependability and responsibility. Time frame 3rd & 4th cycle and the entire school year.
Good Citizenship
This is given to one boy and one girl for good behavior or conduct, someone who respects others and their property, they are helpful and considerate, willing to put others first.
This is given to one student in the class who has showed improvement academically or behaviorally.
PK and K Awards
The categories are as follows:
- Alphabet All-star (strong ELA skills) 4.
- Math Magician (strong math skills)
- Rock-star Reader (strong reading skills)
- Happy Helper (Good classroom helper)
- Perfect Attendance
- Citizenship
- Alphabet All-star (strong ELA skills) 4.