• Dear Helms Parents:

    The 2014 Helms Auction: A Storybook Affair is THIS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH!

    Let's meet the 2014 AUCTION CHALLENGE and have 10 DIFFERENT FAMILIES attend the event from EACH GRADE LEVEL! First Grade is currently in the lead! Tickets are $35 in advance and $45 at the door, so save some money and BUY EARLY!

    HOW TO BUY TICKETS: Download this form in English or Spanish, fill it out (either single tickets or sponsorships) and return it to the Helms Main Office by Thursday, September 25th! Pay with checks made out to Helms PTA, or include the following information on the back of the form: Name on Card, Card Number, Security Code, Expiration Date, Billing Zip Code. Put your form in an envelope and return it!

    FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENT: Visit the Helms Auction webpage!

    QUESTIONS? email helmsauction@yahoo.com

    Helms PTA will be on campus collecting ticket orders later in the week - get your order in early and beat the rush!

    Your support of the Helms PTA and the Campus-Wide Literacy Campaign makes our students excellent readers - thank you for your support.