About Title I
César E. Chávez High School qualifies as a campus-wide Title 1 school. To become a Title 1 school, funding is based on the number of students who are on free/reduced lunch. Since Chávez is a federally funded program, these funds are used to ensure that all students on our campus have an equal and fair opportunity to reach their highest academic potential. For more information regarding our Title 1 program, please feel free to contact Ms. Vi Tran.
Purpose of the Title I, Part A Program:
The purpose of Title I, Part A is to ensure that all children, particularly low achieving children in the highest-poverty schools, have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments.
Visit the External Funding Titles I, II & IV Department website for additional information.
Please find the following documents below:
- Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications
- Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications - Spanish
- Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications - Vietnamese
- School-Parent Compact
- School-Parent Compact - Spanish
- School-Parent Compact - Vietnamese
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy - Spanish
- Parent & Family Engagement Policy - Vietnamese
- Title I Status Notification - English
- Title I Status Notification - Spanish
- Campus Parent and Family Engagement Policy_Vietnamese