Wraparound Services works hand in hand with academics to address each child’s needs. Wraparound Services supports critical issues many of our students and families face. Some of those issues might include : Mental and physical health needs, food insecurity, stable housing, violence, parent incarceration, and things that adversely affect college and career readiness or their ability to learn. Chavez High School has two Wraparound Resource Specialists (WRS) on campus who provide resources and referrals to students and their families. Vist the "Meet Your Wraparound Specialists" tab for more information about your campus WRS'.
The goal of Every Community Every School is to help create the conditions that lead to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. We accomplish this by assessing and resolving those issues that sometimes hinder our students’ academic success and social growth, in a timely, culturally sensitive manner.
To submit a request for assistance for you or another Chavez student you know, follow this link: https://houstonisd.force.com/saf/s/?language=en_US&isdtp=p1.
For further information regarding our Chavez Wrap Around Services you may reach out to Mark Soto at 713/495-6950 at extension 027120