BienvenidoAsistencia Importa
HISD ATTENDANCE POLICY : Any student served by the school district is considered enrolled in the district. A student must be in attendance for at least two hours to be considered present for one-half day and for at least four hours to be considered present for one full day. These time limits refer to instructional time, not including lunch, homeroom, passing periods, or other non-instructional time.PÓLIZA DE ASISTENCIA DE HISD: Cualquier estudiante que recibe el servicio del distrito escolar se considera inscrito en el distrito. Un estudiante debe asistir durante al menos dos horas para que se lo considere presente durante medio día y durante al menos cuatro horas para que se lo considere presente por un día completo. Estos límites de tiempo se refieren al tiempo de instrucción, sin incluir el almuerzo, el aula principal, los períodos de transición u otro tiempo no instructivo. 713.495.6950
The attendance office are the phone operators.
La oficina de asistencia son los operadores telefónicos.Attendance Clerk Extension Ms. Gutierrez 027142
Responses can take up to 24 hrs.
Las respuestas pueden demorar hasta 24 horas.
Q & A
What do I do to excuse an absence/tardy?
Posted by:Students who have been absent or tardy must present a written excuse from the parents or guardian when they return to school. Excuses for absences and tardies are:
- personal illness
- sickness or death in the family
- quarantine
- weather or road conditions making travel dangerous
- participation in school activities with permission of the principal
- juvenile court proceeding documented by a probation officer
- approved college visitation (verification from college coordinator/counselor required)
Written excuses should be in the school's possession no later than three school days after the date of the absence or tardy. The three-day period begins with the day the student returns to school.
Last Modified on October 13, 2021