Attendance Policy

  • Any student served by the school district is considered enrolled in the district. A student is absent if he is not physically in school at the time attendance is taken. Absences are considered unexcused unless an acceptable written excuse is provided by the parent/guardian of the student or by the child’s physician.

    The only acceptable excuses for tardies and absences are:

    • Personal illness
    • Sickness or death in the family
    • Quarantine
    • Weather or road conditions making travel dangerous
    • Participation in school activities with permission of the principal
    • Emergencies or unusual circumstances recognized by the principal or superintendent

    Written excuses should be in the school's possession no later than three school days after the date of the absence or tardy. The three-day period begins with the day the student returns to school. Submit the written excuse to the attendance clerk by email or by a handwritten note signed by the parent/guardian of the student or by the child’s physician. The excuse should include the student’s first and last name, the days to be excused, and the reason for the absence. It should also include the homeroom teacher’s name, parent’s name, and a phone number.

    Students must be given the opportunity to make up work missed due to all absences. Reasonable time frames for the completion of assignments must be established. Please contact your child’s school for more information.

    For students who exceed 10% excused and unexcused absences, HISD will automatically designate failure for the grade level. The School Attendance Committee will review the student’s grades and number of absences for the student, and, if necessary, will create an attendance recovery plan. At the end of the school year the committee may or may not override the failure, depending upon the student’s grades, completion of the plan,  and/or special circumstances.



    Unexcused tardiness to class is a Level I violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Unexcused tardies are not converted to unexcused absences. Tardies are a disciplinary issue.


Attendance Recovery Plan

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Last Modified on October 17, 2024