• These highlights affect all Horn Families who use Holly Street to arrive/dismiss/exit Carpool Lane, and will help ensure the safety of our students and their families on Horn’s Campus.


    "No Parking" Signs installed on South side of Holly Street, from Newcastle Street to Avenue B.

    Vehicles are prohibited from parking on the South side of Holly Street - school days only at posted arrival and dismissal times. 

    This safety measure is to prevent students/pedestrians from crossing in front of moving traffic to enter/exit Horn’s Campus.


    Parking now allowed on North side of Holly Street, between Newcastle Street and Horn’s Carpool Lane Exit.

    Vehicles may park on this portion of Holly Street, to gain safe access to/from the sidewalk leading to Horn’s Campus. 

    Do Not block Carpool Exit at any time with your parked vehicle. 


    Do Not Enter signage at Southeast corner of Holly Street and Avenue B

    Do Not Enter Holly Street driving eastbound - school days only at posted arrival and dismissal times.

    Holly Street is one-way, westbound between Carpool Exit & Avenue B - school days only at posted arrival and dismissal times.


    PTO Traffic Committee invites you to thank Bellaire Police for their assistance during the coming weeks on Horn's Campus. Please observe and obey all posted traffic signage on Horn's Campus - it will make BPD's job much easier and keep our students safe!


    Please direct any questions to the PTO Traffic Committee via email: traffic@hornpto.org.We look forward to a SAFE school year for all of our Horn Students!