Teach a Teacher

    Hosting classroom teachers through the Summer Teacher Externship program is a great way to impact the classroom without leaving the walls of your company.


    Learn more about the Externship program

    The HISD Career Readiness department seeks business partners for our summer Teacher Externship Week. Teacher Externships serve has a professional development vehicle for teachers of math, science, English, social studies and Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses to learn about the industry related to their campus programs. By engaging with and in industry based practices teachers are better able to craft curriculum that is meaningful and relevant.

    Specifically, we are looking for companies to host five to eight teachers for one week each summer. We need companies in various industries including, but not limited to; Health Science, Information Technology, Construction, Petrochemical Processing, Manufacturing, Aviation, and Logistics and Distribution.

    Companies are asked to host an English, math, science, social studies and at least one “career education” teacher, such as an Engineering teacher. We will work with you on the assignments for each teacher, for example the math teacher may be assigned to the accounting department and the English teacher to contracts. Teachers are paid by HISD for an eight hour work day. We realize your work schedule may be different than ours, but our teacher externs are expected to follow your work schedule.

    The externship week is a great way to engage with local educators and the school district, as well as to provide your company with a highly visible community engagement activity. We welcome companies of all sizes and look forward to working with you.

    Teacher Externship Week Sample Outline

    Monday of Externship Week

    8:00 – 10:00 – Welcome Breakfast

    Please send at least one representative from your company to meet the teachers assigned to your business.

    10:00 – Teachers will report to your company for the remainder of the day. We suggest the group be given an overview of how the departments work together and possibly a tour of the facility. Also, make sure each teacher knows where to report and who to report to on Tuesday morning. 

    Tuesday – Wednesday of Externship Week

    Teacher Externs will report to your company for industry experience / job shadowing.

    Thursday of Externship Week

    Teacher Externs will report to your company for industry experience / job shadowing. Plus, we will close the week with a dinner.


    Click here to sponsor a teacher