• Educators Requesting Certifications and Licenses 

    Steps to requesting certification vouchers:

    1. Instructors requesting district funds for student certifications and licensure exams should be submitted electronically at least 45 days prior to the date of the exam. 

    2. Requests must be made by the teacher of record for the course the student is enrolled in and must align with the CTE coursework, pathway, and TEKS taught by the teacher of record.

    3. The CTE department reviews all instructor requests. Upon approval by the committee, instructors will receive a notice of purchase or a denial letter explaining the committee’s decision.

    After students have taken the exam:

    1. Teachers must implement a process to obtain information on student certification and licensure examination results and report those results to the designated campus CTE administrator.
    2.  Teachers must provide the IBC exam results (passed, failed, earned) to campus CTE administrators within 15 days to provide timely data to various stakeholders.
    3. If a student needs to retake the exam, an intervention plan must be submitted to the CTE district office and administered in the classroom. 

    For educators only, click the link for Certification Request 2024-2025


    For more information about the Industry-Based Certifications alignment, please visit: www.tea.texas.gov.