Bus Transportation Request

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Back to School Choices Information

Virtual CECHS Q&A information: October 14, 2020

Selecting Virtual or Face to Face Instruction

  • You have the opportunity to choose to continue instruction from home or come back to school (face to face) for the 2nd six weeks, which begins on October 19th.

    To make their selection, parents should go to the HISD Connect Parent Portal and go to the “Forms” section. Here you will find the Commitment Form. Anyone who did not make a choice by Friday, 9/25 will default to in-school face-to-face instruction. Your selection is good for the entire school year, but can be changed each six weeks. More information can be found at HoustonISD.org/LearningOption. If you have not signed up for the parent portal, please utilize the code sent to you on 9/2 through your child’s HISD email address. You may also call the school at 713-664-9712 or contact Cynthia Penna at cpenna@houstonisd.org if you need assistance. You can sign-in or sign-up for the HISD Connect Parent Portal by clicking here.

    Many of you would like more information before you make your decision and we will try to provide as much candid information as possible here. We are receiving more information by the day but below is the information that we can give you today.


    1.  Our major priority at Challenge will be to maintain the fidelity of our rigorous program for all of our students, both at home and in person. Challenge students take dual-credit courses in which they receive both high school and college credits. Additionally, all students must have their College Board-certified teachers to receive Advanced Placement (AP) credit and prepare for AP Exams. Challenge teachers have these very specific qualifications. Therefore:

    • Our students will be taught by their Challenge teachers, whether they are at home continuing virtual instruction or they come to school face-to-face.
    • All instruction will continue to be virtual through laptops, using Microsoft Teams and the HUB, even if the student comes to school.
    • At-home students will receive the same instruction as students that are in-person.
    • Students attending face to face will be required to bring their laptops daily.
    • Students selecting to attend in-person will also have health surveys daily and be required to properly wear masks.


    2. In the event that more parents and students are choosing face-to-face than we expect, we will then have to go to a hybrid model. For example, A-L students may come on certain days and M-Z on other days. More information about this will be disseminated when we get your selections next week.


    3. There will be no school bus transportation for the general population. As of today, the district plan is that only Special Education and Homeless students will receive school bus transportation due to the social distancing requirements of COVID-19.

    4. HISD has created a plan that outlines the district’s health and safety protocols for COVID -19. You may find the Communicable Disease Plan (CDP) here and on our reopening page. Protocols developed by the district include school entry screening, physical distancing, personal protective equipment, hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, and infection. Students and faculty will undergo health screening daily and masks are always required to be worn properly by students and staff.

How To Make Selection

Important Dates

  • The first day of school was September 8! With YOUR health and safety in mind, students and staff will return to classes virtually for the first six weeks of instruction. On Monday, October 19, 2020, face-to-face instruction for students will begin as an option.


    Mark your calendars:


    9/8-1/29: First semester of remote learning for students/parents who choose online-only instruction.

    10/19: Transition to face-to-face learning begins

Safety Measures

  • For the new school year, all HISD students and employees are screened before entering any HISD building. They are also required to wear appropriate masks, handwash routinely, and adhere to physical distancing requirements.  Additionally, it is mandatory for nurses, custodial staff, food service workers, and special education staff to wear gloves.

Last Modified on August 2, 2021