Channing Milton
Department: Special EducationRoom: E141
Email: Channing.Milton@houstonisd.org
Phone: 281-920-8000 ext. 036223Syllabus:Individual Skill Building is designed to help students understand executive functions and give students the keys for success in and outside of the classroom. Students will learn metacognitive strategies which lead to better preparation, planning, and performance.
Areas of Focus:
Students will be able to define vocabulary related to executive functioning.
Students will be able to apply executive functioning to their daily lives.
Students will understand how to use a Homework Tracker and/or Planner.
Guiding Principles for this class:
Learning Objective and Demonstration of Learning (LO and DOL).
Metacognitive questioning.
Teacher observation.
Lesson Plans:
Executive Function: Planning
Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify ways to prioritize planning in their daily tasks.
Demonstration of Learning: Students will be able to create S.M.A.R.T. goals in an effort to effectively plan daily tasks to reach their overall goal(s).