Updates to IDs and Cell Phone use
This is an important message for Milby High School parents from Principal Ruth Peña .
Due to our focus on school wide safety, students must wear their ID at all times, while on school grounds.
Every student was issued a Milby high school ID badge.
For safety reasons all students must be monitored as they leave classrooms to use the restrooms.
Effective Monday, November 13, students must have a school ID to be scanned to enter all restroom facilities.
In the event a student does not have an ID badge, the student must visit the nearest assistant principal's office.
Also taking effect will be a change to the cell phone policy.
Cell phone usage will only be allowed during lunch.
All cell phones will be collected by the teachers at the beginning of class and returned to the students at the end of each class period.
Cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, air pods or any other devices that distract or impede student learning are prohibited for use during the instructional day and passing periods except lunch.
We thank you for your continued support as we make every effort to keep your child safe in an atmosphere that promotes educational enrichment and achievement.