June 17, 2020
The meeting convened at 1:00 PM.
School policies were discussed.
Dress Code
Teachers should be reminded to check dress code at the begining of the day. The following dress code updates were recommended:
*Skirts must be worn with opaque tights or solid leggings, and the hem must touch the front and back of the knee at the same time.
*No jeans except on Fridays.
*Move "no cut-off jeans" and "no jenas" to the pants section of the code.
*Add knee-length shorts
Cell Phones and Elcetronic Devices
Methods to manage cell phones during class time were discussed. It was suggested to include the term "smart watch" in the policy. It was also determined that cell phones could be used for academic purposes if allowed by the teacher.
Tardy Policy
It was determined that repeated parent notes or consistent, consecutive tardies would be investigated. It ws also decided that the permit policy would need to be taught.
Homework will remain on the Cheating Policy.
The committee decided that the policy updates would be rpesented to teachers durintg the August in-service week.
The meeting adjourned at 4 PM.