Curriculum Overview
Our rigorous curriculum is designed for varying levels of academic achievement and our primary tool for instructional delivery is the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) framework. Roberts is proud to offer Neighborhood Vanguard and Fine Arts Programs in conjunction with the IB curriculum.
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IBPYP):
Roberts Elementary was one of first schools to become authorized IBPYP schools in the state of Texas. The complex program ensures that our students are exposed to advanced level thinking through inquiry instruction and questioning skills. The components of the program also include a learner profile, learning the concept of international mindedness through understanding others’ differences, common assessment techniques, and action - the concept of taking responsibility and making a difference. Our students learn increasingly advanced skills in these areas and the culmination of their learning is the fifth grade “Exhibition.” Exhibition requires students to engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems. Read more...
The Roberts Science Enrichment Lab is an inquiry-driven classroom for students to have the opportunity to be in control of their own learning. The lab is an extension of what is being taught in their classroom and both the science teacher and classroom teacher work together in developing seamless lessons that compliment the work from the classroom.
Grades 2-5 record their learning in their Science Notebook (SNB). The SNB is set up just as the brain is; each ‘hemisphere’ of the SNB stores information differently. The left side of the SNB reflects what the students have learned in their own way - through pictures, cartoons, maps, brainstorming, lyrics or timelines. The right side of the SNB is where the students jot out any factual information such as vocabulary words and definitions or answers to questions from their textbook.K and 1st graders keep their ideas flowing through multiple sensory activities and finish with a picture or activity to reinforce what they inquired about in the lab. The science lab is not only a place for the students to be exposed to science tools or the scientific method but just as importantly, they will be guided in figuring out different problem-solving strategies and ways to find their answers. Hopefully, this will teach them to enjoy and relish the experience as much as finding the answer!
Roberts uses a combination of Eureka Math and other supplemental instructional materials to support students’ mathematical understanding through real-world and hands-on experiences that are aligned to the Texas curriculum standards.
Our goal is to create a deeper understanding of concepts through problem-solving. Beginning in Kindergarten, students will build their number sense and the relationship between concrete and conceptual ideas which will later lead to higher-level mathematical thinking in the upper grades.
Writing Excellence
Roberts Elementary subscribes to a workshop format for writing and includes instruction in the full writing cycle: brainstorming, planning, drafting, editing, and revising. The writing curriculum provides daily opportunities for students to practice informal writing (journals, interactive notebooks, or other formats) as well as formal pieces of writing, both fiction and nonfiction.
Writer's workshop includes a mini-lesson and time for students to write independently while the teacher confers individually and/or with small groups. Mini-lessons often include the works of published authors as examples of the craft of writing. Time for sharing, either with a partner or the whole group, is part of that process.
Ancillary Classes