Students with Learning Needs
Roberts Elementary offers a variety of services to meet the needs of our students. Depending on the child's individual needs, his least restrictive environment can be as restrictive as a self-contained classroom or resource center or as nonrestrictive as a general education classroom for the entire school day. A continuum of alternate placements help us make our students successful.
IAT - The Intervention Assistance Team provides a problem-solving model that requires teachers and support staff to work through several steps to identify problems, set goals, plan interventions and measure progress for students who are having problems functioning in the classroom. Teachers and support staff monitor if a student makes gains with interventions. If a student consistently continues to struggle, the team will set up a meeting with the students guardian or parent to discuss next steps that can benefit the student which could lead to an evaluation for eligibility for special education services.
Consult Services - Special Education and Related Services teachers provide consult services for students who may qualify for special education services but by parent request receive no services during the school day. By providing these services, special education and related services teachers can monitor progress in the general education classroom and make recommendations based on the child's needs.
Inclusion/Co-teach - Many students now in special education have their needs met by the regular education system. This program requires significantly increased resources in regular education (such as special educators working in the classroom), changes in typical classroom instruction (often more multi-sensory approaches are used), and training for the Inclusion team.Resource - Students in the resource program have demonstrated a significant academic lag in one or more areas and are taught compensatory skills based on the student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP). These students receive "push-in" and "pull-out" services by our resource teacher and spend most of their day in the general classroom.