Promotion Standards
Promotion Standards
• Houston Independent School District (HISD) general standards for promotion
NOTE: If your child does not meet the promotion standards outlined below, your school will contact you regarding opportunities for the child to receive additional instruction.
Students must:
o Pass an EOC test as a graduation requirement.
o If a student is a senior and has not passed all EOCs for graduation, the campus counselor or administrator will be contacting you regarding the Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) process for student graduation.
o High school grade placement is based on the number of credits earned: sophomore classification requires 6 credits, junior classification requires 12 credits, and senior classification requires 18 credits.**
NOTE: Individual course credit is earned through a passing grade of 70 percent or above and sufficient attendance. *
• * Sufficient attendance: A student’s total number of unexcused absences cannot exceed 10% of class meetings.
For English Learners, promotion standards are determined by the Grade Placement Committee (GPC) in consultation with the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC).
For students with disabilities, the campus ARD*/IEP** committee determines the promotion status based on mastery of IEP goals and objectives and /or course requirements.
*ARD- Annual Review and Dismissal **IEP – Individualized Education ProgramBelow are samples of a 9th Grade Report Card and a 12th Grade Report Card (notice the highlighted areas.