Please find the following documents below:
- School-Parent Compact
- Campus Parent & Family Engagement Policy
- Title I Program Status Notification (Parent Notification)
- Title I Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications (Parent Notification)
Documentos / các tài liệu
23-24 Title I Status Notification - Vietnamese
23-24 Title I Status Notification - Vietnamese.pdf.docx 259.81 KB (Last Modified on December 19, 2023) -
23-24 Title I Teacher-Paraprofessional Qualifications Spanish
23-24 Title I Teacher-Paraprofessional Qualifications Spanish.pdf 170.37 KB (Last Modified on December 19, 2023) -
23-24 Title-I Teacher-Paraprofessional Qualifications-Vietnamese
23-24 Title-I Teacher-Paraprofessional Qualifications-Vietnamese.pdf 286.51 KB (Last Modified on December 19, 2023) -
23-24 Parent and Family engagement policy Spanish
2023-24 Parent and Family engagement policy Spanish.pdf 541.04 KB (Last Modified on December 19, 2023) -
23-24 Parent and Family engagement Policy Vitnamese
2023-24 Parent and Family engagement Policy Vitnamese.docx 328.85 KB (Last Modified on December 19, 2023)