Vanessa Flores
Mrs. Vanessa Flores
I am a firm believer that every student in H.I.S.D. deserves a highly effective leader. I believe that a high quality education should exist for all students. More...
Michael Hunt
Assistant Principal
Mr. Michael Hunt
Michael Hunt’s work in education is centered around a strong belief that all children deserve access to dreaming, designing, and critical thinking through More...
Heather Mitcham
Assistant Principal
Ms. Hearther Mitcham
Ms Mitcham believes in advocating for and providing all students and families with an educational experience, where values and diversity are celebrated . More...
Celeste Vershon
Mrs. Celeste Vershon
My school counseling philosophy is simple. Building meaningful relationships with students, parents, ... more
Reinal Salako
Special Education Chair
Mrs. Reinal Salako
Mrs. Salako More...