Board Policy establishes SDMC at every school in the district. SDMC must meet the district’s guidelines established in the policy. Each school year, the SDMC shall assist the principal in developing, reviewing, and revising the School Improvement Plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations. The SDMC shall be involved in decisions in the area of planning, budgeting, curriculum, staffing patterns, staff development, and school organization. The SDMC must approve the portions of the School Improvement Plan addressing campus staff development needs. A principal shall regularly consult the SDMC in the planning, operation, supervision, and evaluation of the campus educational program.
SDMC Meetings are held every last Wednesday of the month.
Meeting Dates
Date: Sept 25
Time: 3:35 pm
Place: Library
Date: Oct 30
Time: 3:35 pm
Place: Library
Date: Nov 20
Time: 3:35 pm
Place: Library
Date: Dec 18
Time: 3:35 pm
Place: Library
Date: Jan 29
Time: 3:35 pm
Place: Library
Date: Feb 26
Time: 3:35 pm
Place: Library
Date: Mar 26
Time: 3:35 pm
Place: Library
SDMC Agendas
Agenda 9.25.24
I. Trailblazer Pilot Program
II. Calendar
a. Homecoming
III. IRT Walks
IV. Buffalo Society suggestions/proposals forthcoming
V. Other Items