• The Houston Independent School District (HISD) Board of Education established and approved the campus-level planning and decision-making process in 1992. This process includes the creation and maintenance of a Shared Decision-Making Committee (SDMC) at each school to review the district's educational goals, objectives, and major district wide classroom instructional programs. 

    The SDMC was authorized to fulfill the following responsibilities:

    1. Implement all pertinent campus-level planning processes;
    2. Develop recommendations for the school budget;
    3. Submit recommendations for the school curriculum;
    4. Recommend changes in the school's staffing patterns;
    5. Develop and approve the campus staff development plans;
    6. Develop, review, and revise the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations (after principal approval of the SIP, the SDMC presents the plan to staff for approval);
    7. Review and make recommendations regarding the school's organizational structure, and
    8. Establish procedures to periodically obtain broad-based community, parent, and staff input.

SDMC Members

Last Name First Name Email Title
Carter Erika ECARTER3@houstonisd.org Principal
Jayna Hawkins JHAWKIN5@HOUSTONISD.ORG Administration
Knight Ina IKNIGHT@HOUSTONISD.ORG Administration
Andrew Holley AHOLLEY@HOUSTONISD.ORG Classroom Teacher
Anika Guerrero ANIKA.GUERRERO@HOUSTONISD.ORG Classroom Teacher
Jacob Michael MICHAEL.JACOB@HOUSTONISD.ORG Classroom Teacher
Johnson Ernest ERNEST.JOHNSON@HOUSTONISD.ORG Classroom Teacher
Leonce Hall LEONCE.HALL@houstonisd.org Classroom Teacher
Mia Agnew MIA.AGNEW@houstonisd.org Magnet Coordinator
Griselda Casas GCASAS@houstonisd.org Non-Instructional Staff
Rocio Saldana RSALDAN1@houstonisd.org Parent Member

Meeting Dates

  • September 26, 2023

    November 14, 2023

    December 19, 2023

    January 30, 2024

    March 19, 2024

    May 28, 2024


    Time: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

    Location: Hamilton Middle School Library

    Comments (-1)

SDMC Agenda

SDMC Meeting MInutes