AP Statistics Syllabus
Course Introduction
This AP Statistics course is designed to introduce students to the main topics of a freshman-level college statistics course. It emphasizes understanding of concepts, statistical language, and statistical techniques. The course requires a practical understanding of statistical tools including the TI83/84 graphing calculator and Minitab statistical software, which will be implemented throughout the course. Students are expected to effectively use experimental design, data analysis, and inference to reach well-reasoned and appropriately communicated conclusions and decisions in a real-world context.
Six weeks grades will be determined as follows:
Tests – 70%
Quizzes, Daily and Homework – 30%
The semester exam will constitute 10% of the semester average.
There will be a test at the end of each instructional unit.
Quizzes will be given periodically – either announced or unannounced – in order to evaluate the students’ knowledge of the material on a day-to-day basis.
The Practice of Statistics Second Edition by Daniel Yates, David Moore, Daren Starnes; W.H. Freeman and Company; 2002.
TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator
Decisions Through Data Video Series
Teacher created worksheets and handouts
Computers for using Minitab and Microsoft Excel
Computer output from popular software packages
Fall Semester:
Exploring Univariate Data – Chapter 1
The student will
- Identify types of data and associated graphs
- Construct and compare displays including dot plot, stem plot, histogram, cumulative frequency plot, bar graph, pie graph, time plot, and boxplot (By hand and using graphing calculator capabilities)
- Interpret and/or graphical displays including shape, center, spread, clusters and gaps, outliers, and unusual features using the graphing calculator. Be able to interpret graphs using appropriate language
- Summarize distributions using appropriate measures for center, shape, and spread
- Calculate and interpret standard deviation as a measure of spread using TI-83 and interpreting the results using correct vocabulary
- Evaluate the effect of changing units of measure on summary statistics
- Project: Fast Food Comparisons of nutritional values using data analysis with graphs
Counting Techniques and Probability – Chapter 6
The student will
- Apply basic probability concepts including permutations, combinations, sample spaces and Venn diagrams (Use graphing calculator for permutations/combinations)
- Develop and apply the addition and multiplication rules for probability including exclusiveness and independence
The Normal Distribution – Chapter 2
The student will
- Examine properties and calculate probability for non-normal density curves
- Examine properties of the normal distribution including the empirical rule
- Use the normal curve to calculate probabilities and determine observed values. Using graphing calculator statistics capabilities to calculate probabilities.
- Assess the normality of a distribution by graphing data with graphing calculator and also be able to express in words correctly.
Examining Relationships – Chapter 3
The student will (using the graphing calculator)
- Draw conclusions about bivariate data by analyzing and displaying patterns in scatterplots and express the findings in a meaningful coherent manner.
- Determine and analyze the correlation coefficient and its implications on linearity
- Determine the least squares regression line and its coefficient of determination
- Construct and analyze the residual plot for the least squares regression line (LSRL) including outliers and influential points
More on Two–Variable Data – Chapter 4
The student will (using the graphing calculator)
- Transform non-linear data to achieve linearity – log and power transformations, piecewise functions
- Analyze and describe relationships between two or more categorical variables, including Simpson’s Paradox
- Investigate the role of lurking variables in effecting association
Producing Data: Samples and Experiments – Chapter 5
The student will
- Compare and contrast methods of data collection including census, samples, experiments and studies.
- Analyze characteristics of a well-designed and conducted survey.
- Identify and perform a variety of sampling designs including simple and stratified random sampling.
- Analyze characteristics of a well-designed and conducted experiment including control, randomization and replication.
- Understand the significance of treatments, experimental units, control groups, random assignments and replication in designed experiments.
- Determine possible sources of bias and confounding and the need for the placebos and blinding.
- Design completely randomized experiment and blocked experiment including matched pair design
- Perform experiments using the graphing calculator to generate simulations.
- Students will be able to effectively explain the process and findings of the experiments
Probability Revisited – Chapter 6
The student will
- Determine the probability of relative frequency using the “law of large numbers” concept.
- Apply the addition rule, multiplication rule, conditional probability, and independence to determine probability as relative frequency.
- Connect trees and tables to conditional probability concepts.
Random Variables – Chapter 7 (Using the graphing calculators statistical programs)
- Understand and apply probability with discrete random variables and their probability distributions.
- Understand and apply mean (expected value), standard deviation and linear transformation of a random variable.
- Understand and apply probability with mean and standard deviation for sums and differences of independent random variables including the notion of independence versus dependence.
- Be able to explain findings with a thorough understanding of the statistical language
The Binomial and Geometric Distributions – Chapter 8 (Using the graphing calculators statistical programs)
- Apply formulas or simulations to determine binomial and geometric probability.
- Understand and apply mean and standard deviation of a binomial random variable.
- Use the normal distribution to approximate a binomial distribution.
Spring Semester: Students will use the graphing calculators to perform all tests of significance and confidence intervals with a formal write up and presentation.
Sampling Distributions - Chapter 9
- Apply the Central Limit Theorem to distribution of sample means.
- Define aspects of the sampling distribution of sample means using simulations.
- Determine mean and standard deviation of a sampling distribution of means.
- Project: Bivariate Analysis.
Introduction to Significance Tests and Inferences – Chapters 10-15.
Develop the concept of confidence interval including the relationship between the interval size and confidence level.
- Determine a confidence interval for a sample mean.
- Explore the relationship between sample size and margin of error.
- Perform tests of significance for a mean (z test) including the logic of significance testing, null and alternative hypotheses, p-values, one-and-two sided tests. and conclusions.
- Explore the consequence of a type 1 and type 2 error as well as their relationship to the power of a test.
Inferences for one sample distributions
- Examine the properties of the t-distribution including calculating t-values and probabilities.
- Determine confidence intervals and perform tests of significance for a sample mean with unknown standard deviation.
- Determine confidence intervals and perform tests of significance for a matched pair design.
- Define aspects of the sampling distribution of a sample proportion.
- Determine the confidence interval for a large sample proportion.
- Perform tests of significance for a large sample proportion.
Inferences for two sample distributions
- Determine the confidence interval for the difference between two sample means.
- Perform tests of significance for the difference between two sample means.
- Determine confidence intervals for the difference between two proportions.
- Perform tests of significance for the difference between two proportions.
Chi-square procedures
- Employ the chi-square test for goodness of fit, homogeneity of proportions, and independence
Inference for Regression
- Investigate and perform inference for the slope of the least squares regression line (LSRL).
- Interpret computer print-outs from statistical software.
Review for AP exam – (Teacher generated) 6 Major Topic Reviews
Currently released AP Multiple Choice Exam
ANOVA Procedures for after the exam.