The Texas Administrative Code requires that “every child in the state shall be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases caused by infectious agents.” (TAC RULE §97.63) A list of required vaccinations is available from our school nurse. If a student fails to comply, they will NOT be allowed to attend school (TAC RULE §97.66). Westside High School will notify the student in writing if they are out of compliance and will follow-up with a phone call to the parent or guardian. It is your responsibility to be sure the school has your current address and phone number on file. Please do NOT disregard this notice from our school nurse. 

    The following immunizations are required:

    • DPT/DT - 3 doses required with last dose after age 4 and 1 Tdap/Td booster within the last 10 years.
    • Tdap – 1 dose is required when 10 years has passed since last dose of tetanus-containing vaccine.
    • Polio (oral) - 4 doses required, with last dose after age 4
    • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) - 2 doses required, 1st dose after age 1
    • Hepatitis B - 3 doses required.
    • Varicella (chickenpox) - 2 doses are required, the 1st dose must be given on or after the 1st birthday, or history of illness.
    • Meningococcal (meningitis vaccine) For 7th - 12th grade - 1 dose required on or after student's 11th birthday. The meningitis vaccine will need to be current within 5 years of entering any educational endeavor past high school.

    A student with a temporary or ongoing medical condition that could (a) require medical attention at school, and/or (b) impact his/her ability to thrive in the school environment, needs to be reported to the school nurse. Parents should ensure that both the school nurse and the student’s dean are made aware of the situation, so the school can respond appropriately to the child’s needs. If a student is hospitalized at any time during the school year, the school nurse and the dean should be notified. In addition, HISD has resources available that may be of assistance.

    Personal medical information will always be kept confidential.

    School Nurse:

    School Board Policy (in accordance with TEC §22.052) prevents nurses, teachers, administrators or coaches from administering medications of any kind at school without proper consent.  A student may NOT carry any type of medication with him/her except for students with asthma or life threatening allergies requiring an Epi pen who have paperwork on file with the nurse in the school clinic. Medications are required to be kept locked in the Clinic. A written medication permission form with the original signatures of both a parent and the prescribing physician must accompany all medication including self-administration prescriptions for asthma or Epi pens. Each medication must be in its original container with an affixed prescription label listing the patient for whom the drug was prescribed, the drug name, and the proper dosage and administration route information. Medication and Treatment Forms are available in the Nurse’s Clinic.

    Word to the Wise!

    These guidelines apply to ALL medications — both prescription and over-the-counter.


    Westside High School has a Licensed Clinical Social Worker on staff to assist students, families, and school personnel. As a member of the Westside High School team, the School Social Worker promotes well-being and intervenes to address barriers to student success. Our Social Worker, Ciera McIntosh, LMSW provides supportive counseling, offers crisis intervention, manages support programs, assists with behavior intervention, and provides consultation to parents, teachers, and administrators. Ms. McIntosh's office is located in S241, and she can be reached at 281-920-8000.

    Westside High School also offers the Choices program.  The program aims to reduce high-risk behavior through a comprehensive education and counseling program.  Choices is a partnership between Westside High School and the Council on Recovery. Choices is located in N144 and can be reached by phone at 281-920-8000.


    If you do not want your child to receive counseling services, please notify Ms. McIntosh or call the Choices office.