Responsive Web Design
Mariana Rendon Orozco
Grades Taught: 9th, 11th,12th
Conference Period: B2
Location: 311
Tutorials: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30
Phone: 713-741-2410
Student Council
I am Ms. Rendon Orozco! I teach biology and AP Environmental Science. I am a graduate of the University of Houston (Go Coogs!) where I majored in biology and completed the teachHouston program to become a certified teacher. I taught biology for two years at Stephen F. Austin High School, where I was named beginner teacher of the year. I look forward to a productive third school year at DeBakey!
2545 Pressler St Houston, TX 77030 713-741-2410 fax: 713-746-5211Accessibility
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
2545 Pressler St Houston, TX 77030
fax: 713-746-5211