• Class Expectations

    Posted by Daniel Cote on 8/9/2024

    Introduction to Culinary Arts: Class Expectations

    Welcome to Introduction to Culinary Arts! This class is designed to give you a solid foundation in the culinary world. Here’s what you need to know to succeed and make the most of this exciting course.

    Classroom Behavior

    • Be Prompt: Arrive on time and be ready to start when the bell rings. We begin each class with a lineup meeting.
    • Be Prepared: Bring all required materials, including your school-issued device, charger, pen or pencil, notebook, and any other supplies needed for the day.
    • Be Polite: Show respect to your classmates and instructors. Address instructors as "Chef" and listen attentively when others are speaking.

    Dress Code

    • ID: Your School ID is always required. It needs to be around your neck.
    • Uniform:
      • Non-Lab Days
        •  As per the school dress code.
      • Lab Days:
        • Wear closed-toe, non-slip shoes, and keep long hair tied back. Hats or other appropriate hair coverings are required. Jewelry or other personal accessories below the elbow are not permitted. Earrings must be less than 1 inch in diameter.


    • Engagement: Actively participate in all class activities, both in the classroom and the kitchen. Your involvement is crucial for learning and success.
    • Professionalism: Demonstrate professional behavior at all times. This includes teamwork, time management, and following safety protocols.


    • Importance: Regular attendance is vital. Missing classes can affect your ability to complete hands-on activities and assessments. Too many absences will result in “No Grade” given for the course.
    • Tardiness: Arriving late disrupts the class. If you are late, you must get a tardy pass from your house office. If you arrive too late, you will be marked absent.



    • Assessments:
      • Major Grades (70%) include tests, projects, and practical exams.
      • Minor Grades (30%)
        • 15% in class assignments and homework assignments
        • 15% Weekly Professionalism Grade.

    Safety and Sanitation

    • Safety First: Always follow safety rules in the kitchen to prevent accidents. Unsafe behavior will not be tolerated.
    • Sanitation: Proper food handling and cleanliness are essential. You will be trained in and expected to follow ServSafe sanitation standards.

    Electronic Devices

    • Policy: Personal electronic devices are not allowed during class. This includes cell phones and smartwatches. These devices should be stored away in your personal belongings.

    Late Work and Make-Up Policy

    • Late Work: Assignments turned in late will lose 10 points per day after the due date. You have up to five school days to submit late work.
    • Make-Up Work: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to check for and complete any missed assignments or assessments.

    Retake Policy

    • Major Grades: Retakes are allowed for major grade assignments if the student scored less than 70% on the Assignment. Students have no more than 7 calendar days from the time the score is entered to request a retake. Requests must be made via email.  The maximum grade for a retake is 80%.
    • Minor Grades: Minor grades are not eligible for retake.

    Academic Integrity

    • Honesty: Complete all work with honesty. Cheating or plagiarism will result in severe consequences, including a zero on the assignment and possible disciplinary action.

    Please check the Westside Way Handbook on the school’s website for details regarding other school-wide policies and procedures. Following these expectations will create a positive and productive learning environment for yourself and your classmates. Let us make this a fantastic year in culinary arts!


    Chef Daniel Coté CEC CCE

    instructor, Introduction to Culinary Arts

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