Responsive Web Design
Grades Taught: 10th and 11th
Conference Period: A2
Location: Rm 217
Phone: 713-741-2410
Teaching was my only choice for a career and I am fortunate and proud to say that I have been a teacher in HISD for 33 years. I began my teaching career at Milby Senior High School and after 11 years, I transferred to DeBakey. I hold a Bachelor's of Art in Teaching with a major in English and a minor in Psychology. I have been blessed by my kind colleagues twice by being selected as their teacher of the year, most recently in 2020-2021.
2545 Pressler St Houston, TX 77030 713-741-2410 fax: 713-746-5211Accessibility
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
2545 Pressler St Houston, TX 77030
fax: 713-746-5211