Responsive Web Design
Grades Taught: 9-10
Conference Period: A2
Location: Room 214
Phone: 713-741-2410
I am the sponsor of the DeBakey Desi Cultural Club - a student led organization to create a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and support in the cultural essence of the Asian subcontinent with the fostering of charity and leadership. Click on the following link to our club webpage: DCC Webpage
Hello and welcome to DeBakey!
I have been teaching at DeBakey since 1998. I am also a graduate from DeBakey in 1990. I have a daughter who graduated from DeBakey in 2021, and I have a son presently attending.
I have taught English I on-level and PAP, English II on-level and PAP, English IV on-level, Study Skills, and Communications Applications.
Every student can be successful at DeBakey with due diligence, time-management, organization, and most importantly, advocating for themselves.
Have a great year! 😊
2545 Pressler St Houston, TX 77030 713-741-2410 fax: 713-746-5211Accessibility
Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions
2545 Pressler St Houston, TX 77030
fax: 713-746-5211